BSL Level 2

Having achieved Level 1, this course will develop your communication skills about real life, routine and daily experiences which will allow learners to converse longer and in more detail. 

 Level 2 Certificate in British Sign Language is suitable for those who:

  • wish to achieve language skills at an intermediate level to improve communication with Deaf people
  • are Deaf and wish to gain a qualification in their native language
  • are family, friends and colleagues of Deaf people
  • want to progress from Level 1 study in BSL, and who may want to progress to more advanced levels of study in BSL at a later date
  • are studying for personal development.

Level 2 is divided into three units and is assessed independently using Signature awarding body's criteria. It is also in line with the National Language Standards Level 2 framework.

  • Unit BSL 201 - Receptive skills
  • Unit BSL 202 - Productive skills
  • Unit BSL 203 - Conversational skills

Topics covered are everyday conversation, shopping and spending, eating and drinking, and travel/holidays.

The classess will be a mixture of teaching, activities, role play, video receptive practice and so on.  You will also have full access to Signworld e-learning included in course price.

Entry Requirement:                      Level 1 or equivalent

Course Length:                             30 sessions Wesdnesday evening

Venue:                                           Cardiff Deaf Hub

Fees:                                              £550 plus Signature assessment fees

                                                                   (Installment Payment Plan can be arranged)

Starting Date:                                September 2020 - please book your place

Time:                                              5.30pm - 8.30pm


If you are interested in Level 2 please email us - information and dates can be supplied, along with information on instalment plans.

Full dates will be given but should be weekly apart from school holidays.




 Text 07795842526 or email [email protected]  to register your interest!